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Maintenance of the Property
Maintenance of real estate in Spain.
What are the responsibilities of property owners in Spain? How much money will go into taxes and fees? How to organize the process of leasing, work with a management company, the sale of real estate? All about this you will find on this page.
The following costs for the maintenance of real estate in Spain, including utility bills, are approximate. The exact cost of utilities and other costs depends heavily on the following circumstances:
-How much time in the year is it planned to live in Spain and in which months?
-Who will take care of the pool and the garden, if this is an individual house: the owner himself or the gardener
-Personal habits in the consumption of electricity, water and heat, which can also significantly affect utility payments.
Basic utilities.
The cost of public services in Spain depends on the amount of their consumption, the region and the supplying company.
1. The price of electricity also depends on the type of tariff chosen: normal or night. For simplicity, you can start on average from 15 cents per kilowatt / hour.
2. The price of 1 cubic meter of water is determined in our region by such a multistage scale:
– 44 cents for one cubic meter at consumption up to 15 cubic meters for two months;
– 66 cents per one cubic meter, but only for that additional volume, which exceeded 15 cubic meters, that is, from 15 to 30;
The above consumption is sufficient for most families.
– 1,78 euros for one cubic meter, but only for that additional volume which has exceeded 30 cubic meters, that is from 30 to 50.
We do not give here the two following steps, since a larger volume of water is rarely consumed.
Maintenance of the acquired property.
1. Permanent expenses for 1 month, not depending on the time of residence in Spain:
– garbage disposal: 119 euros per year, Approximately 10 euros per month;
– Subscription fee for connection to the grid: about 17 euros per month or 35 euros, if you have selected increased electrical power;
– Subscription fee for connection to the water supply network: approximately 12 Euro.
TOTAL fixed costs per month: approximately 40 – 57 euros.
2. Variable costs for one month, that is for consumed services, depend on the duration of residence in Spain during the year, from the season and personal habits:
– electricity costs: approximately 40 – 50 euros; If there is a swimming pool, then an average of 20 – 30 euros due to the electric motor in the water filtration system;
– water costs: inside the house about 15 euros per month for a family of 4 people. If you take into account the total water consumption per month, it can be about 30-100 euros a month, depending on the size of the garden and the season. Many owners equip their gardens in such a way that they require small watering.
– The cost of gas for hot water in the house, if heated by gas: about 20 euros;
– The cost of heating the house, strongly depend on the habits of each particular family, the size of housing, the type of heating and can range from about 100 to 300 euros per month.
– Cost per month for care of the garden and the pool, if the gardener does this: an average of 120-160 euros, depending on the size of the garden, lawn and the number of plants. Many who live here permanently, themselves take care of the garden and the pool or just for one thing.
– insurance at home, it is not required; Its cost is an average of 300-450 euros per year, 25-37 euros per month, depending on the size of the house and the value of things in it.
Thus, the cost of maintaining the property is ambiguous and depends on a number of objective and subjective reasons.