04/12/2024 | News about tourist rentals
Flamingos breed for the first time in the Torrevieja salt lagoon!
Flamingos breed for the first time in the Torrevieja salt lagoon thanks to confinement. The confinement by the coronavirus has had an unexpected positive effect in the saltwater lagoon of Torrevieja (Alicante), where the flamingos have reproduced for the first time, also thanks to the torrential rains in this atypical spring. About 600 chickens have been born. The breeding colony is located in a very distant area, almost in the center of the lagoon, which makes it difficult to estimate the numbers of adults and chickens, which will be confirmed once the chickens leave the place and the number of nests can be counted. During the first two weeks of May, personnel from the Ministry of the Environment and the Salinas themselves verified the construction of flamingo nests in the central specks that divide the salt exploitation. From that moment, a discreet surveillance plan was established on the incipient colony, in order to provide them with the necessary tranquility so that the entire process would come to fruition. It must be remembered that flamingo is a species with very precise requirements for its reproduction, among which a minimum number of specimens forming part of the colony, the need for absolute tranquility and the maintenance of water levels stand out. Finally, the confinement favored the calm conditions in the natural park, mainly due to the absence of environmental noise caused by regular traffic and the frequent flight of planes and light aircraft over the area.